Fee Fi Fo Figger, Lawd I hate a Nigger!
In ALL trades, not just tech!
A southern white who is tired of nigger shit.
It's gonna call you a "muh whites shill" next.
No, what I'm describing is the need for skills of any trade, that are better learned hands on, than from a book. You fucking tech people aren't gods, I had to redesign ya'lls shit all the time to better fit clients needs. And it wasn't computers.
Lurk moar.
Last thing they hear before being run over.
I guess that makes me an engineer then.
Nasty tranny, tried to hide it's face with cosmetic mods.
Nazi Ash Kans aren't white?
That's what I repeatedly had to do, optimize to fit client needs. Lazy assed engineers would rubber stamp the same designs over and over. Every project duplicated the previous dozen. You could tell at a glance who designed it.
Why do "gods chosen people" have the worst genetics on the planet?
The kid is Semetic, the yid is Nazi Ash Kan.
Says the jew licker.
But muh tribe went here, muh tribe went there….Bullshit, they got eradicated in 70ad In the Siege of Jerusalem.
Find the "melleefresh" video "attention whore".
They can stick fake tits on a tree.
We still have a Republic! (if we can keep it)
Her name is Kevin.
Dishes, candy, etc.
Fake juice!
Yeah……about those subsidies…..
Just need to convince the blacks that fried juice are delicious……problem solved….
We could get Stalekracker to work up a recipe.
Not antisemitic, Antizionist!
But muh tribe….
HEY ELON! You just Fucked Yourself in the Face!
Move your company to push-start land….oops, I mean India…..
Speaking of pajeets……