>Paxton just blocked the Biden regime from auctioning off any more border wall materials
better late than never but why didnt he do this before they sold the other materials?
it seems this has been ongoing for years
>Paxton just blocked the Biden regime from auctioning off any more border wall materials
better late than never but why didnt he do this before they sold the other materials?
it seems this has been ongoing for years
maybe its been a con all the while
he changed it to the indian problem
routh story is a hoax
still posting on the jews kike
… is jewish
nobody including me will know what you mean
happy merchant is automatic are you new
>for his jewish manager
jews arent white
this shit is so retarded
what about the pharisees, faggot? Did the Khazarians ride a time machine?
your IQ is too low to understand the question
the kikes went to Khazaria HUNDREDS OF YEARS AFTER JESUS
if they're khazarians, who are the Pharisees in the Bible, who Jesus told were of their father the devil
almost a thousand years later
whites are the biblical hebrews, retard
jews arenotbiblical hebrews
they went to khazaria ad racmixed, some of them cam of them came back to Germany, some stayed in eastern europe
says the retard who believes kikes' story of being hebrews
that is where the Khazaria theory comes from and 2 other jews. shlomo sands and kunsler
they ran the silk road, traveled from there to khazaria, dumb shit
everyone who's not retarded
you will be soon enough
110 is coming, ask your rabbi
he's not even a Republican
you posted an old study with no souce, a wrong map and ignored the correct map and study
you sound like a jew because you are
that's the one
that's the exact study I quoted in the beginning that gave you a heart attack
that places your tribe traveling through khazaria 8th-9th C
khazars not semitic, not hebrew
fake jews also not semitic, not hebrew
thats why theyre fake jews
you have a good imagination but you cant read
shoudn't be that surprising
the indians would sabotage all his companies if he said different
show me the post jewboy and I'll show you the part you didnt read right
the Johns Hopkins study IS the Elhaik study
it's obvious you've never read it or heard of it until now