>>22238928 👀 Tucker is Horrified to Learn How Aborted Fetal Tissue is Used in the Development of Some Vaccines, Reveals His Child is Vaccine InjuredPN
Even though I've researched and known this for 30+ years, hearing it in video makes me nauseous and about to barf. How can scientists and doctors continue this with no response, in a "supposedly goal" to save lives with vaccines.
It seems to me that vaccines are not created to save lives, but only for the monetary benefits for the Pharma companies, and the vaccines causing more illness to mankind, to make continual money for the Pharma companies. If Reagan and Congress knew they weren't saving lives they wouldn't have given them immunity. But when they gave them immunity all hell broke loose for the money grubbers and satanists, that enjoy chopping up newly aborted live babies, so our government need to remove immunity and the pharma companies take the liability they should have received in 1987.
If Reagan had thought about it why Pharma companies refused to make vaccines if they had no immunity, and they had data vaccines mostly don't work, he and congress wouldn't have given them immunity. But Pharma knew what they were doing they would kill or disable people, and certainly kill 100's of 1,000's babies by abortions, but keep them alive to collect live tissue by chopping them up alive, that's how evil they are, going back decades.