half breed indian chink mutt
based post
fuck you billy boy
they all come in with fake diplomas and create cosy work cells that ONLY hire other indians
>MH370's disappearance
I reckon the plane was taken up to 40,000 feet and deliberately de-pressurized,which killed all the passengers
Plane subsequently flown to Diego Garcia, dead bodies disposed of
Some original plane components like wing parts disassembled and cast into predictable ocean currents to give plausibility the plane crashed into the ocean
The MH 17 shoot down is tied to the MH 370 event in several ways
the more I know about Musk the more he glows
electric cars are total shit
only retards buy and drive them
barry drives an electric toy car because he is a FAGGOT
maybe moloch is deaf
bloody bastard you shit bastard bloody you!
>You are an intellect and a deep thinker indeed.
he is here on a H1B like the poojeets
>say they lied on their initial visa application
ffs of course they did
all immigrants do this,duh
lithium battery fires burn more ferociously when water is put on the flames as the lithium fire strips oxygen molecules from the water?
literally feeding the flames/ironic