the actual mails are 10 and 8 weeks ago.
since then:
and now:
[nsa folks]
More or less sound questions
Hello CIA,
I would kindly want to know the following and try to express myself in the language that you folks use.
do you use agents and assets that are e.g. doing jobs as postman, or women, to e.g. quickly run to the next drop box when things in front of that one white house start cooking again?
The head of the Hesbolla (in Germany that is what we say when someone has a strong head, to talk about him, in any name that comes to mind, using a variety of different words to express a strong head, "He´s Bollakopf.") was appearantly killed. I hope you folks did not do it and are in that way completely dismanteled with only knowing assisetnece of kindness to offer, maybe to those folks who look like Roger from Amarican Dad on the Mediteranian Ocean, next to the guy with the glasses and the beard and tie. Please, would you make sure there is not another revolution where folks scream at each other on the fence, but rather find joy and relaxation and love thinking through different things.
do some agents actually get red noses, because "clown" and all that? you know, for easy marking and such.
how many of those very active YT folks are on your payroll?
Is it true after having changed the nuclear code for the US on the same day, it´s basically the very same numbers again, but rearranged? If so, why? And is it true, Iran is using also arrows within that nuclear code entering devise? Did they get guidance on that? From my pov it´s not recommended to sort of get out of that loop while thinking from numbers to arrows, more than colors.
And in case you folks did not yet know how to code, it´s done like this:
Do you like football?
Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like spain?
oh, spain.