'less demanding' & work 'twice as hard' = slaves/drones for (((shekels))) i.e. for death / suicide & it being 'mic drop' = 'millitary industrial complex' comms i.e. 'unscrupulous drones for the advancement of a.i. = the anti-human = the anti-Christ' v.s. Q drops citing Jesus Christ (drop 4739).
'software engineer' = human/brain manipulator for the opinion of ((('social media'))) = serving the a.i. computer = artificial / fake i.e. non-human / 'automatic' intent = slaves to 'least resistance (Ohm/UM ('indian prayer')' / 'do as thy whilt' satanism = snake striking without care for consequences other than momentary/monetary 'survival' (zelensky & ukraine/israel using drones against humans, powered by a.i.) as soulless reptiles striking humans from the air (satan as lightning/death falling from heaven) / electrically controlled (adhering to 'social media' & internet) = in reality manipulative and always as evil as possible as how electricity can strike/kill you.
India = non-Christian country = driven by cult of 'anything other than Jesus Christ' = 'mary-worship' but 'in reality' 'bobs & vegane'-whore-ship i.e. not hearing and following the word of lord and God Jesus Christ' i.e. instead following 'maritrea' the 'teacher with water bottle' (as seen on musk bedside table) with 'lord indra/india varja' / i.e. may-betray-ya ('love/evol for money') with book of constitution (i.e. not the Bible) and gun pointed at head i.e. assassination of Christ in accordance with 'roman law/constitution' (how king of jews i.e. 'top influencer' Herod (current day Elon) killed all children in Bethlehem trying to kill off Jesus Christ (elon promoting mRNA killvaxx shots for children' i.e. carpet-bobming civilians as done by m.i.c./musk-ally israel/ukraine) and/or suicide by 'dual-citizen-ing gun' as traitor judas 'escape route' because of 'hinduic / indian reincarnation bs' as 'savor' rather than Jesus Christ.
'become a H1-B worker drone/slave' = trojan horse / (((parasite))) to infect the nation with mind manipulating jobs by non-Christian maritreans, the '~0.1% i.e. the 'not-99.9%' = the 66.6% i.e. the 666 = who care more about solomon (elon saying to be more like (k)han/cain solo) with 666 'talents' (satanic ways) i.e. (((shekels))) rather than protecting children from rape and murder i.e. become cain / with indians being cainanites / descendants of cain = having the mic / 'military industrial complex' (mic being a derogatary word for an inbred irish person) of only being able to be a predator, i.e. a maryan/aryan/iranian mother(wor)ship drone (the B/Bee drone in H1-B) rather than a being a human with a soul taking the narrow path of Jesus Christ to meet the father in heaven (rather than returning to the mothership) i.e. resting in heaven instead of becoming a motherf*r i.e. cain.