Haha get ready for the liberals to implode their party in Sept and Oct
POTUS and Q team are genius. Stir the anthem kneeling back up again, make the liberals resist Trump even worse than before, let the American/Anti American theme come back, then bam, drop all the bombs on the Democrats and show how horrible they are. Bury them. Force them to stand with anti american democratic politicians and it will be their end
Q Research board, dumbass
Cue the "Im not scared if a civil war breaks out" meme :D
POTUS firing back up the anthem protest issue. Good idea, right before midterms. Bait the liberals and MSM and let them further show their un-american colorsโฆ..and bury themselves
BAM! Theres /ourgirl/
Dude, really?? I was making fun of liberals. Dont you ever see those memes that say "Im not scared if a civil war breaks out" and it shows pictures of a bunch of liberals in tight jeans and tight shorts and purple hair, etc.??/ Come on man
The Khazarian Mafia is in Mexico?
We never figured out what "-23" was. Q said "I'd watch the news that day"
Are they jewish based? Or is it a bloodline moreso?
Thanks anon