algebra is soooo fucking tedious compared to geometry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pattern, boundary, limitations, and Questions, and imagination. Figure it out.
He started out so well and went back to traditional bs in later vids
The Lortetz transformation is a rotation on Y axis easy geo solve. Don't need all this bullshit. If want to do x can or time can. if want a vector can and all axis change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF it is rotation of axis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEFINE the angle of change and it is FUCKING Pythagorean!!!
For all of you that don't get it if Lorentz is basic geometry so is Einstein. It is all pattern.
Draw a 3D axis
Rotate it around the Y axis - the time as Z dilates, and the X and length contracts. That is Lorentz.
Help I need night shift
BO help night shift.
LMFAO they spout it. but do not know Lorentz and ……. sigh
yes Lorentz figured it out by by algebra not goe - visual is intuitive.
kinda sad - TOE or politics? and they choose.
and no fucking research by anyone for an hour.
Planck length over Schwarzschild radius and then multiply by one Kg and that is the force of one unit of space time.
research MF
copy previous text.