>Wahoopi can say anything.
>She's got triple immunity.
"Jeanine Ferris was born 1951 in Elmira, New York, to Nasser "Leo" and Esther (née Awad) Ferris, both first-generation Lebanese-Americans."
Welp, she lost one layer of immunity right there, "Lebenese American".
She lost another one attacking a woman.
If she thinks being up Clinton's ass is going to help her, they are on the way out.
People are sick of this shit show of these screeching harridans sitting around a table every day on the talk shows talking smack about everything that's wholesome and right.
Even the WaPo is done with her.
What happened to Whoopi Goldberg?Remember when Whoopi Goldberg wasn’t disappointing?"
I think she's ripe for plucking.