Western Pacific Kindergarten
Conf_ OPS at HK
My theory here:
just in case
prayers for Q, and joint teams. @ 32536
so you guys DID catch that. GW
Western Pacific Kindergarten
Conf_ OPS at HK
My theory here:
just in case
prayers for Q, and joint teams. @ 32536
so you guys DID catch that. GW
"Who is Q?"
is what both Q and the next move are waiting on, depend on .
Q stated: "It must happen."
Do you?
*If the question is asked, say on the 30th and then drops from server, possibly JA +
No such Agency Sealed indictments…
This would align with critical mass.
About time @ clock?
Clock is activated, is a marker for mission start, and mission window, in relation to time btw.
… I think that maybe the case anon. Note that blackout occurred on july 4th, which suggests it was purposeful.
It was the last thing Q really gave us to do. He also kept bringing up JA and No Such Agency handling indictments…
I think its the critical mass point. :: >>2224911
Stay Frosty
what in the morphic resonance is that?
I dont know about decrypt but I came to the conclusion "Who is Q?" should be trending by now and that a reporter should ask the question.
I came to it today when relooking Qposts
fair enough, was there a [delta] in Q posts? thats been consistently reliable;
familiar with clock theory, believe clock is in reference to specific missions for MIL_SIGINT and or next q post, or strategic marker fulfilled.
When Q says Clock is Activated he is referring to Mission Start Time and Mission Window Time. And specific deltas are for that.
I dont think there is a comprehensive correct system for mirror, as life and OPS dont work that way, but more power to those anons. I did work like that with other anons in Graphic is your Key thread.
archived … february?
Mirror is in relation to future proves past. Present is not the present, its the past as far as Q and anons are concerned.
By all means, Id like to see a post tomorrow, that means HK Ops and Q, + Joint teams are Okay.