Hello CIA,
I was not quite sure if you are already in the age of innovation and such, also given your approach on "yes, we folks do internet too." and willing
or staffed to reply in a "twitter joke" way, so I mail again and again sort of expect no reply at all times.
is Frank (B)ribery reported to have gotten bribery? with all those political scandals around money and all that.
are you folks really the biggest agency? the highest court of US is the one single court folks did hear from, even if not from US. are you the
biggest agency doing stuff in my home country, Germany? is it true the BND is working also within Germany, when being the Dienst for out of the
country? Ge heim Dienst prolly does mean something different. is it because those folks are better in organizing than the VS is? is mr kahl reported
to have climbed the kahler asten? (was thinking about that because of the early snow around here ;) ) / are guided tours within the pentagon really
backwards? like time wise?
there has been a lot of bs in the world, supposedly, even when I never was to China (I also would not become a consultant, indepentend from
allnighter reports.) War in a country that has rain in the name, conflict in a country that has a stripey name, like zebras. there has been
Dönermorde within my home country, I did had my food burned a couple of times, but noone would ever do that I suppose. also there has already been
much talk on war on Ungläubige, a sensible because religious topic. in a real temple, it would be really bad to have folks be there with non belief
but half sentences or even psychologically skilled half sentence routines.
are you folks responsible for having folks feel comfortable (and with that trusting and sort of being an example for live like that) that e.g.
glue themselves on the streets and then claim to be part of this or that? I even saw someone, maybe a guy from the Bundesumweltministerium, gluing
himself on the street, while sort of using a disabled person. making folks wait in traffic can seem powerfull, but is misused trust.
does Putin actually use a Doppelgänger, in case folks want to check him out?
do you folks have some sort of a death laser? a devise making you sort of become dizzy and then drop out? or is that science fiction I hear? do
you or maybe did you use satellites like that or other stuff?
mr kahl, the german bnd chief is widowed. I suppose his wife died in an unusual early age. how comes there is no consiracy bs around that? do
folks not care?
and some more on that:
Do you like football?
Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like
oh, spain.
when having managed to code like that, you would also want to not be discovered doing that. for this it seems a struggle to sit in the park and wait
for that one lady with the funny handback that you claimed your thought on. pros, I superpose, will wait and sort of look at that thought while
accepting the emotion as one of many things that folks do think about while thinking and talking, a normal thing.
and when trying to make your manipulation skills work within a real crowd, you could use groupy momentum. like having a police guy do a loudspeaker
announcment, in the moment folks are likely to look anyway, because being bored or whatever. this would make a single person from the crowd have the
experience that they want to look at the person, while others do the same, while this was sort of ordered.
(I suppose I had a chance to think about groups while being in a hotel room some years back, there I carefully checked the tiltedness of my window
in relation to crowds downstairs (because being next to a stadium), I do not mean Las Vegas and the shooting, but a totally different Hotel that I
ended up being in.) I also did think how a curtain from a newly rented room could be moldy, but did not manage to complain about that, because of
the toilet brush having had a big piece of shit onto it, when entering the neewly rented room, this sort of was psychological pressure to better not
mention the curtain, even when I did neither make it moldy nor took a shit in the room yet.
and the most important question, do folks who have to do the baddest of shit occasionally shoot themselves in the head (no discussion on death
penalty) to spare life itself from their doings or thoughts? those folks cannot possible think God would fix that in a world where couched usually
are placed on the ceiling.