>if Making America Great Again doesn’t benefit working Americans, then what exactly is the point.
anon is out…gibs me my U.B.I. and more smart foreigners
>if Making America Great Again doesn’t benefit working Americans, then what exactly is the point.
anon is out…gibs me my U.B.I. and more smart foreigners
>Is he that malleable to outside influence on major issues?
you bloody … fuck you bloody bastard
i'm not sure
it's all so confusing
>Do the right thing for your country!
they are..
we NEED more smart foreign workers!
why is it so hard to understand Americans are under-educated and lazy?
in the past decade, they turned education into a sex and gender obsessed assembly line
>what one generation allows, the next generation will celebrate
i am ready for my Neuralink upload
so many feels
but anon is already transitioning and my HRT is free since I'm on Medicare
delet this naow!