Solo me interest una cosa.
Either it can happen or it can't.
As I did give you a heads up before,
And your own moronic pride was
Counter productive, I advise you'd be honest.
As far as learning, it's obvious your
Teachers and "wisdom sharers" really
Are not as smart as they believe, and not
So wise.
Perfect degree is 0°. 90 degraus or steps,
Is but merely two perpendicular 0° lines,
And also subjective to perception
And position…walk 45 degraus, and u have two 45° again. Perception.
Tus rotacienes, or rotacienaireos
Estan podridos. Your game board is imperfect.
Didn't Q say history wasn't gonna be repeated.
Now the E NW in G crew
There is no one left to blame.
Left index.
A.D.R. or not interested.
Best would be to have a child and have him wake up and be Jesus.