Shows what a faggot Musk is
Nobody uses a .44 in the house you would be deaf the rest of your life
Use a .22 and you can plant the body in your garden for fertilizer
Shows what a faggot Musk is
Nobody uses a .44 in the house you would be deaf the rest of your life
Use a .22 and you can plant the body in your garden for fertilizer
Devolving is a real thing
Elon was handed billions recently
You know what to do….kek
Was that Charlie Watts first band? Looks like him on the right
Any of my frens in tech sector all struggled to stay employed
Shit kept changing and IT guys got blamed for all companies problems
It goes deeper, they seeded plastic in farmland
Is there ANY religion moar anti-Christian than Hinduism?
Yeah, about time for SAC to admit there are no nukes in those silos, it was all for show
I want one or these