22247215 (PB)
Keep this chart in mind when they tell you we don't have enough STEM graduates. Well, have they surveyed the universities that still produce them?
To add insult to injury, if they claim there is not enough STEM people in this country, what incentive have people been given to pursue it? Hypothetically, if business wants a cheap worker and they won't hire Americans at a decent wage, then it is industry itself that is causing the alleged shortage. Nice Catch-22 Americans have been put in.
This is an industry that has been caught with it's hand in the cookie jar of cheap imported labor, bypassing American talent.
Cause and effect. If you bypass Americans in favor of H1B's then you give Americans no incentive or support. This has been happening for a long time.
I did watch the gentleman on video, philosophy major or such, who had some good points.
But over and over people are not realizing or obfuscating that we already have a O-1 Visa for exceptionally qualified people. This argument has been intentionally diverted to obfuscate that fact.
Elon says (Now) he wants to overhaul the H1B program. But given how long it takes congress to do anything, the deluge will already be here. Restrictions stopping abuse need to be in place NOW.
I have zero problem with a program that is done honestly with honest assessments and plans nor do I have any issue with people who come here under real honest need.
The H1B program is not honest, it's not being used honestly and it's helped create shortages of American talent if that talent is truly in short supply. If STEM people don't get tech jobs or stay in them long, look to the preference given to cheaper talent. STEM can't get entry level jobs when it's taken by a cheaper alternative.
To not address this issue is dishonest and calling American's lazy is not putting in the time to find out how long it's been going on and why maybe you allege you can't find the talent locally.