Definitive anon ruling on H1B
We DO NOT want H1B or any immigration that disadvantages American workers.
We DO NOT want Musk or Vivek involved in the government at all. Aside from openly hating American workers and American culture, they have conflicts of interest (Vivek with Big Pharma and Musk with infinity subsidies that keep his companies running, plus he's a government contractor himself).
We DO WANT DOGE, but NOT with Musk or Vivek running it. Have someone decent who we like run it.
We DO LIKE Trump, and we voted for him to Make America Great Again, and his past history of being against undercutting Americans is absolutely why we voted for him. Very simple. What I would like to see if Trump come out and say Musk has mental issues or something, and that he will no longer play any role in policy, or influence on Trump's administration. Go make your gay electric cars in South Africa with you freak mother.
Musk wearing Antichrist armor is NOT THE ARMOR OF GOD. Baphomet symbol on it and everything. Freemason.