only mediocrity going on is the overpaid loudmouths - must replace, make msdnH1 deliver news . must suck, huh howie
meltdown over failed policies ad Trump is still moar than two weeks out
somehow their current observations are not outweighed by the lack of discerning their own lying dementeted failures
somehow women have rediscovered their pronoun and now demanding moar castration by men and have the state be H1Daddy
yes, yes - the workhouses are at full vigor. Yes - the union prison's have the deepest doors, and no their is no chance for a slave to rise beyond his station because dei runs its mouth
hi Ai err H1 b one a I need one to get a job eh diddiy to do what they do.., easy peazy
glad HoOne lost the bid - would've been disastrous
11.17% of a plan
let H1 run the msndcwitchdom
did h1 just go all in msndcwitch1
msndcnmnfaux harlots ply the lies as they deny Lot's salted wife living on in the shape of same congressmen and senators and president acting walk-in corpse's
oh, you mean the gold left by the Aztecs and mayans, Yes - if only there was any I would be living like a King in a Palace on top of a mountain named Albion
msndcHo1 in disgrace
less gotoback top1 noHO