Communism Fumbles Again: Cuba Importing Resource It Was Once Famed For Producing.
It's undeniably one of economist Milton Friedman's most famous sayings about the failures of central planning: "If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there'd be a shortage of sand."
Shocker of shockers, you know what's to blame? Communism!
"Cutting cane is all Miguel Guzmán has ever known. He comes from a family of farm hands and started the tough, thankless work as a teenager," the May piece began. "For hundreds of years, sugar was the mainstay of the Cuban economy. It was not just the island's main export but also the cornerstone of another national industry, rum."
"Today, though, he readily admits he has never seen the sugar industry as broken and depressed as it is now - not even when the Soviet Union's lucrative sugar quotas dried up after the Cold War," Grant noted. "Spiraling inflation, shortages of basic goods and the decades-long US economic embargo have made for a dire economic outlook across the board in Cuba. But things are particularly bleak in the sugar trade."