>"…and now we go to work."
There hasn't been any jobs for some of us for various reasons.
at the highest level from big tech human resources sites controlled by the Wall street Jewish/Indian H1b human resource scammers.
then you have telecomm and big tech providers that spy and relay.
next you have a control system that is already in place of management and ownership that participates with 1 and 2. These are minions put into place knowing the anti-white agenda, and willfully support the DS, cabal, mafia owners either by race relationships or by choosing a side for survival or fortune.
Minions who are working protecting that system in lower management and personnel. Many who have been indoctrinated in our school systems and minds controlled with wokeness, DEI, and anti-white sentiment.
Gang stalkers that are mid-level cronies that have strong supplemental income to follow and sabotage others unwittingly in any way possible. They will destroy your property when you are not around, set poison traps, and defame you behind your back so there are no opportunities.
This is the cabal control mechanism, and their level of pettiness to their level of deadly aggression, knows no bounds.