Bird Flu
Avian influenza
Kill Twitter.
Bird Flu
Avian influenza
Kill Twitter.
Shillary Clintnot
Include airports closing for technical reasons and weather to the weird list. It will be a volcano next to block pout the sky… for some reason.
Well aren't you suppose to be the President Joe. You know, the guy who makes the decisions.
I thought Jimmy would out live Joe.
walks on checkered floor.
The devil is an amalgamation of characters. Satan and Lucifer are very real
In God we trust. A statement burnt into the American way of life. If you believe in God you believe in Lucifer. if you don't believe in God… You will.
Mediocre slide that lost it's momentum yesterday. Why not try a different approach like the fact he matches all the descriptors of the false prophet.
Fake… A strong theologian argument you have there. You have to raise yourself to God. You have a long way to fall.