>you need to stop your BS.
>no one is confused, no one falls for you larp.
It is always telling how much you get SCARED when I post…. CHARLIE…. WRANGLER…. what a funny altername…. that's what you call them… ALTERNAMES….
We can do this all day…
All of your fake convervative voices… are easy to find.
As are you, I might add../
See,/ when you yelled into my friends ear that she should polest a childs… I decided you were evil… that's ME to YOU… see the YOU is the guy who was being conveyed…
That's why it's funny…
You NEVER KNEW… we hear a lot better than you thiink…
You'll never guess how easy it is to fix.
You cry later when you read this as advicencd in your case against your mom.
Good luck!
You failed!