I've been seeing a lot of back and forth on the whole Musk thing. I don't know if there's a shill thing going on or Anons are truly split. But I would like to just go over some things I feel might have been forgotten or overlooked. Personally, I think he's a bad seed that made a deal to "flip" and work with us. I'm of the opinion being forced or being presented an agreement to do good certainly does not make you a good person. It makes you a bad person who made a deal. Q said deals would be made.
Elon Musk leaves Trumps advisory board in 2017
Musk, Iger to quit Trump advisory councils after Paris accord decision
Trump decided to pull the United States from the landmark 2015 global agreement designed to fight climate change despite entreaties from U.S. allies and corporate leaders in an action that fulfilled a major campaign pledge.
So Trump leaves a slush fund for the elite and Musk takes exception to it.
We're Probably Living in a Simulation, Elon Musk Says
This one has always bugged me. Because if everything is being simulated, you lack control. If you truly believe in simulation theory and lack control why are you bothering with fixing the government and spending, why make electric cars, etc. The simulators will just change what they do not like. I don't feel he really believes this. This is another "there is no God" attempt.
Remember the SpaceX mission with the mouse running around "in space"? This suggests he's faking launches and pocketing money like NASA is well known for doing.
Speaking of SpaceX - Dragon, "sending humans and cargo into space" surely we have a nice coincidence here. A man who dresses like satan for halloween has a space ship named Dragon that fits up to 7 people within it. Why, that sounds almost like it could be a 7 headed dragon and a nod to the devil in the Bible.
Elon Musk: Humans must merge with machines or become irrelevant in AI age
Transhumanism, Biblical.
If you want to know the true character of a person. Remember what they did when they were free. Not what they do when they're forced. I could be way off base. But Anon feels reminders need to be made because only most recent actions by him are being thought of or used as examples to his character. People also change. Maybe he had a change of heart on his own. Very doubtful but it has to be considered.
Always ask questions and always look for truth. It's the only way we will not repeat the mistakes that have been made for generations. We got complacent.