>>22255874 Child beauty pageants ‘a pedophile’s holiday’
Mornin' Joe Scarborough's parents ran these things. Many moons ago, anon did a dig on it. Described their partnership with a stip-club "empresario" in Hawaii.
"These people are sick."
>>22255874 Child beauty pageants ‘a pedophile’s holiday’
Mornin' Joe Scarborough's parents ran these things. Many moons ago, anon did a dig on it. Described their partnership with a stip-club "empresario" in Hawaii.
"These people are sick."
>>22255521 n Quantum Teleportation Achieved Over Internet For First Time - more than 30 kilometers (around 18 miles) of fiber optic cable amid a torrent of internet traffic…
misleading shitbox of techie doubletalk of a headline.
yer oracles speak in mysteries, so you bow deeper.
>They will never let Trump take office.
The must let him take office. That's only way to make him their patsy, like they did with the vax.
slow anons working.
bruh do you even fallacy of moral equivalency
40 years ago anon told anyone who would listen (read: nobody) that your personal info is yours and therefore should be subject to intellectual property protection.
as usual, peeps be like 'meh.'
anything can be hacked
muh bee
The Bee Explains: The H-1B Visa Controversy
What is an H-1B visa?
Not to be confused with H1N1 swine flu, an H-1B visa allows people from India to come to America to build rockets and compete in spelling bees.
Can people who are not from India receive a visa?
The H-1B visa is not exclusive to residents of India. Central and South American residents are also eligible, as long as they can show proof that they are Indian.
How does an immigrant receive an H-1B visa?
The U.S. embassy in New Delhi hosts spelling bees and math competitions throughout the year. The spelling bee winner and the champion "mathlete" each receive an H-1B visa.
Why does Elon Musk want more H-1B visas to be awarded?
Musk needs more highly skilled engineers to build rockets, and he wants to make sure the people he hires won't steal his steak.
Why are people opposed to having more H-1B visas?
Americans are concerned that it's already hard enough for a white kid to win a spelling bee without importing a bunch more Indians. Additionally, there is concern that people from India are pretty smart and may take away some good jobs from Americans.
What sort of jobs could Americans lose out on?
The H-1B Visa is narrowly tailored to bring in only the top 0.01 percent of India's engineers, doctors, and minimart clerks.
Can't Americans just beat out the Indians here on an H-1B visa to get the job?
Have you tried beating an Indian kid at a spelling bee?
Should I be worried about losing my job?
No, they will need you for at least 6 months to help train Krishna.
Having your narrative picked up by The Bee is like having your son parodied by Weird Al Yankovic. It's instant cred.
tech's great if you like being a tool.
anon was about to filter him, but he's on a roll.
caitations aren't exactly the zenith of credibility.
keep clamming
AI is here to help.
muh handoff be like (picrel)
Jesuits and wannabes, but same thing.
Scarborough Family Child Beauty Pageant Dig Bun
From notables:
>>22255874 n Child beauty pageants ‘a pedophile’s holiday’
>>9300702 (https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/9300559.html#q9300702)
>>9293605 p
Scarborough's Family Business: The Miss America Coed "Kiddie Pageants" - St. Pete Times, 1/11/1987
1b. Chuck Scarborough, Joe's uncle, quoted in this article that mentions JonBenet Ramsey[RIP]
1c. Miss American Coed Pageant is still in business'''
>>9293697 p
Scarbroughs "Huddle" with "strip-club impresario" Jack Cione in Honolulu. "Cione will be directing the pageant, which draws teens from 50 states…" - Honolulu Advertiser 5/28/1987
anon says: "Here is some more its all from the internet archives just search Joe Scarborough and boom Good morning Joe and Mika full of stuff about their dads"
Jack Cione featured in article entitled Aging Well. "Acts like these were definitely new to Honolulu: "The topless waitresses was a big winner. And then the bottomless waitresses. We did a fashion show with ten nude models. They'd model lingerie,' laughs Cione." Cione vows to write a tell-book of scandals for publication after his death. - KITV 4 Island News, 6/6/2019
– -
Anons are all excited that Scarborough's father worked at Lockheed. Anons seem to have forgotten the Systematic Child Abuse industry, first exposed by JenBenet Ramsey. Anons don't seem to think it's important that POTUS knows a thing or two about Beauty Pageants, having owned the world's biggest for a number of years.
He said, "Keep digging." This isn't about time-space portals, anons.
Missin Links
>>9300702 https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/9300559.html#q9300702
>>9293605 p
>>9293697 p
>>9293744 p
anon's Scarborough Family Child Beauty Pageant Dig Bun
self-nommingas relevant to current situation and to notables.
sorry what 3?
o the irony, cuz npr says Henry was anitsemite.
nothing said about "fraud," einstein.
anon is sure your income tax rounding errors are orders of magnitude bigger on a percentage basis.