Anonymous ID: 5d2f83 Dec. 30, 2024, 11:34 a.m. No.22257715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7723 >>7758 >>7774 >>7791 >>7849 >>7946 >>8048 >>8098 >>8171 >>8205 >>8219

The 39th president, who died yesterday aged 100, was a good man dealt a bad hand. By Joe Nocera 12.30.24 1/3

The conventional wisdom aboutJimmy Carter, who died yesterday at the age of 100, is that he had a lousy presidency and a model post-presidency. There is some truth to that. During his four years in the White House, which began in 1977, inflation roared like it hadn’t in decades. In 1979, Iran took 53 American diplomats and citizens hostage—and when Carter tried a daring rescue mission, one of the helicopters crashed, killing eight American servicemen. During the final 1980 presidential debate, Ronald Reagan closed his arguments by asking, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” Reagan won the election by a landslide.


Yet even Carter’s harshest critics had to admire how he spent his years out of office: He worked with the nonprofit Habitat for Humanity to build badly-needed housing. He started a center that worked to eradicate disease and promote democracy—for which he won a Nobel Prize in 2002. And every Sunday he taught Bible study in Plains, Georgia, where he lived for much of his life.


What the conventional wisdom forgets is that while the country’s economic woes did Carter in, he also brokered peace between Egypt and Israel, and was the first president to emphasize “human rights.” And with his presidency coming just a few years after the Watergate scandal, his integrity was something the country badly needed to see.


James Fallows, who had been his chief speechwriter for the first two years of his presidency, wrote in this fine 2023 reminiscence that, in many ways, Carter was simply unlucky. Having lived through his presidency, that strikes me as right. So does Fallows’s summation of the man: “disciplined, funny, enormously intelligent, and deeply spiritual.”


I’m only posting this so you can read the hilarious comments about the article and authorThe comments on this article are much better than the article. A lot directed at the author of this article. KEK



  1. What a simplistic apology for one the most foolish presidents in American history. The Iranians didn't just take American diplomats hostage: Carter actively subverted an American ally, the Shah, in favor of a Dark Ages theocrat that hated America. Jimmy telling Americans to turn down the thermostat and wear sweaters was not a winning strategy. Andhe created the absolute most destructive and wasteful giant bureaucracy: The Dept of Education. Carter will go down in history as a little man not up for the job of president.


  1. Obviously Joe Nocera is a leftwing partisan hack. Carter was anutterly incompetent and irresponsible president who created problems for the US. Carter gave away the Panama Canal, which was built by and paid for by the US. The Canal was vitally important to US trade and security interests. Carter bungled America’s Iran policy. Carter promised the Shah safety in the US but then broke that promise after the Shah arrived in the US. Carter’s policy pronouncement to his staff was, “F*** the Shah.” Then Carter banned the Marines guarding the US Embassy from having ammunition in their guns or nightsticks. They were only allowed to use tear gas. The Embassy was taken. Carter’s failed economic and budget policies resulted in a long period of stagflation. The Carter presidency was a disaster.


3.What a joke. He wasn't "unlucky." He was a terrible president following ridiculous left-wing policiesthat the Democrats still embrace today. It took years to dig out from under his failed presidency. If he was just "unlucky," why did the Iranians release the hostages immediately when Reagan became president? Because Carter was weak and stupid, that's why.


  1. I am sorry to hear of his passing and will mourn him as I would any US president. But he was a bad president and not because of bad luck.He was a misguided man who helped Iran turn into a brutal theocracy, he was unable to free the US hostages in Iran, domestically he presided over a disastrous economy that took years to overcome and destroyed the country's optimism (remember the 'national malaise' speech). And as a Jew I cannot forget of forgive his book which carelessly tied Israel to the concept of apartheid, an issue we are still dealing with today.


  1. He was a good but foolish man, ahorrible president and only a leftwing apologistlike Joe Nocera would try to make an excuse for him. Nocera needs to stop writing for you guys, he is way too partisan. Send him back to the NYT if need be but he damages your objectivity badly.


  1. We elect leaders who possess the experience, strength, wisdom and humility to successfully deal with the “unlucky” events that come their way.Regrettably, Carter wasn’t up to the job.

Anonymous ID: 5d2f83 Dec. 30, 2024, 11:36 a.m. No.22257723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7733 >>7738 >>7774 >>7849 >>7946 >>8048 >>8171 >>8205 >>8219



  1. Mr. Nocera must have been living in an alternative universe version of the USA from me.I was an officer in the USMC throughout those unfortunate 4 years and, national defense-wise, without going on a rant, the situation in terms of readiness, training, equipment, etc., was ugly. Things changed almost immediately after Reagan's inauguration.


8.He lived long enough to become the second worst US president. Biden outdid him.


9.That is like calling Biden failed presidency, because of bad luck , really LOL stuff. Joe Nocera is a leftwing partisan hack, and thus this BS. Carter like most Dems, just had this stupid issue with energy prices as Biden has had which causes huge inflation in all areas of economy . I remembersitting in gas lines for hourswith Carter as president . Yes he was a good man that was just a bit stupid in following the Dems polices again and again.


10.I completely disagree that Carter was a good man.


  1. I urge you to read this piece by Michael Oren, an Israeli-American historian and former Israeli ambassador to the U.S.:


  1. Jimmy Carter wasdeeply antisemitic and hated Israel. I thought that kind of thing was verboten around here, Joe?


13.I was against our involvement in Vietnam. The more I have read over the ensuing 50+ years the more I realize my position was correct. About the only good thing I remember about Carter is that he pardoned those who avoided the draft. I lost several close friends in that war and am happy others avoided the draft by leaving. We were duped to support the war.


14.Had not Carter taken live ammunition away from the Marines guarding our Iranian embassy, we might have even avoided the hostage situation.


  1. People also forget his good ole buddy,Bert Lance, nothing more than a conniving criminal, who he put in charge of OMB.


16.Jimmy, like Obama, considered himself to be smarter than everyone else, sodemonstrated great stupidity because he found it hard to take advice. While President, he was an extreme micro manger, who, in spite of challenging world events, also kept the reservation book for the White House tennis court.That’s right, if you wanted to reserve the court, you need presidential clearance.


  1. True enough. Carter was unlucky in the sense that some of the events that defined his presidency could have happened to any president.But his response to them was poor. Carter was literally kissing totalitarian Leonid Brezhnev. When he shortly thereafter invaded Afghanistan, Carter realized he had been had and began sanctions. Like Democratic Presidents who followed him, Carter read the room wrong. While he talking about the country's malaise - "there you go again" - Reagan was saying it was morning in America again. That the country elected the right leader in 1980 has been born out.


  1. Good things about Jimmy Carter: He was a nice guy. He smiled a lot. He was kind. I would have liked him as my neighbor. I suspect he would have lent me tools. He did a pretty good job on the Camp David accords, although Assad quickly got assassinated. I would have enjoyed a beer with him. He lived a healthy lifestyle (100!). He seemed to be honest. He loved his wife.Now, I think I'll wait a while to comment on his presidency.KEK

Anonymous ID: 5d2f83 Dec. 30, 2024, 11:39 a.m. No.22257738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7744 >>7774 >>7849 >>7946 >>8048 >>8171 >>8205 >>8219



  1. Another good thing. His presidency led to Reagan, the best president of my lifetime.


20.Carter and Biden will bothgo down as two of theweakest presidents in our history. Carter was over his head and preachy. Biden was over his head and angry. Neither took responsibility for their failures, and both are feckless leaders.


21.Come on Joe. He helped the Ayatollah take power, thus destabilizing the Middle East for decades, leading to the oppression, murder and torture of hundreds of thousands of people. He was always been a dangerously naive fool of a politician. Way too quick to trust evil actors like Arafat and the leaders of Hamas. As for his life after Presidency, yes he did good. No doubt. But he also embraced Hams, literally. Let's not sugarcoat his resume.


  1. Among many other time-tested attributes, the Jewish people have a long memory.Aid us in the manner of the ancient Persian King Cyrus, and we will remember you forever fondly. Cross us as Seleucid King Antiochus IV did, and we will curse you every Hanukkah. Our talent for remembering is particularly salient today after the death, at the age of 100, of former President Jimmy Carter. While the rest ofthe world is now hailing him as a statesman who, after his failed one-term presidency, rose to become an unstinting peacemaker, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and a paragon of now nonexistent virtues, many Jews will have a far more ambivalent reaction. The man whose legacy could have been cherished by future Jewish generations, with streets in Jerusalem named for him and communities created in his honor, will be at best forgotten, if not reviled. That is the tragedy of Jimmy Carter, a leader who could have gone down in Jewish history as a second Truman, will be recalled, if at all, as another Bernie Sanders.


23.From a mere misreading of 242, Carter descended into a dark obsession with Israel, casting it as the source of all Middle Eastern instability and a world-leading violator of human rights. His 2004 book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, though based on half-truths and outright lies, effectively legitimized Israel’s delegitimization. Yet, while reviewing the book for the Wall Street Journal, what shocked me so profoundly was Carter’s not-so-subtle antisemitism. He lambasts secular Israelis for abandoning Jewish law and condemns national religious Jews for fulfilling it. Whether right-wing or left, Jews can do no right by Jimmy Carter. The one-time peanut farmer from Georgia who spent a lifetime repenting for his earlier racism against Blacks, conveniently forgot that the KKK also murdered Jews.


  1. Good thing, he was a nice looking Navy Man, that's it, no more good things to say.

Anonymous ID: 5d2f83 Dec. 30, 2024, 11:46 a.m. No.22257780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7805 >>7827


They won't fire him, CNN is the only network to invite a truly unbiased conservative willing to speak the truth. This show is probably the only higher watched ones.


But I'm confused, Finney says is Bidan's "accomplishments will stand the test of time". What accomplishments, do these democrats not see how evil and awful he was to over 60% of the population because they were American First.She has to define what she considers and accomplishment. Every honest Econ scholars, said he destroyed the country to the brink of a depression worst than the 30's, is that what she means by the stupid statement. It's obvious this people invited on never interact with anyone under their class.

Anonymous ID: 5d2f83 Dec. 30, 2024, 11:51 a.m. No.22257798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7825 >>7837


I bet the majority of these immigration attorneys are funded in part of in full by democrats, this was their under cover "Replacement Theory" that started when they passed the laws (30 years ago). And everyone in government processing the Visas are managed by liberal democrats. Republicans are pretty slow on the uptake of what the real plans of Democrats. But many of these republicans took part for their lobbyists and own companies.


Democrats think of devious plans far into the future, republicans are short term thinkers.

Anonymous ID: 5d2f83 Dec. 30, 2024, 11:55 a.m. No.22257824   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I guess they had very little to say, look at the few paragraphs, they didn't want to be mean the day after he died. I'm sure WAPO, NYTs, etc will roll biographers of 15 paragraphs or more, praising the man that made the 70's an awful experience. Even my dem parents weren't happy.

Anonymous ID: 5d2f83 Dec. 30, 2024, 11:58 a.m. No.22257832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7871


You know the Navy has this illustrious praise for his intelligence, etc etc etc. I wonder if he was just acting dumb and intentionally following the DS orders to destroy the country.


I can't think of one president so hated, but Joe in some ways beat him out.

Anonymous ID: 5d2f83 Dec. 30, 2024, 12:02 p.m. No.22257851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7855 >>7872


first frog just sitting on the lily pad, enjoying the day, the second is the anon that worked hard to strengthen his body and about to JUMP into action.


first frog: newbie

second frog: old, grouchy and angry adult anons, ready to destroy the evil here.

Anonymous ID: 5d2f83 Dec. 30, 2024, 12:05 p.m. No.22257862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7876 >>7909 >>7980


I have to agree with him but I really do think we do not have enough reps to allow more than one to vote no. Plus the dems already said they would vote for him, but I don't know how that works if democrats can, since it's a rep speaker of the house.


They can always plans to dump him in two months.


I think Massie is so much more educated than anyone there, but that job sucks because a lot of negotiating, it's a sucky but powerful job.

Anonymous ID: 5d2f83 Dec. 30, 2024, 12:08 p.m. No.22257879   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't believe any of that, Bruni set up Buttigieg's policies, I'm kind of tired of these people thinking they can ever get better. The evil things they did is in their blood.

Anonymous ID: 5d2f83 Dec. 30, 2024, 12:10 p.m. No.22257889   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not true, he was going to be a whistle blower knowing his own patients were dying. He worked at the CDC and they killed him. That's why the CDC leaders lie constantly, they don't want to get dead.