"In science we trust | CBC News" https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/technocracy-incorporated-elon-musk/
"In science we trust | CBC News" https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/technocracy-incorporated-elon-musk/
Baker won't notable musk Technocracy goals. Baker is assho.
I didn't go scalp hunting for Musk. He brought it on himself. But when you really look at who he is, it's a freak show.
If he's got value in cost cutting more power to him. But Loomer is right, Trump needs to watch his ass with Space Boy.
Musk's father impregnated the twin sister.
Thank you baker. I'll make a better bun if it comes up again.
If you read the material, your questions will be answered. I can't do it for you.
In the time it took you to post you could have read it so any more questions, please direct to somebody that gives a fuck.
Listen bitch. It is what it is. If you have a question about Technocracy ask away. This isn't story time. Contribute something or stfu.
Bye now.