'Cept that last bit of covering her head, but yeah, been there done that with covering her feet. Not sure if she ever smacked me if the face for snoring or not, but I've gotten an elbow in the ribs.
PoE2 is better than D4 I hear.
Yawn. How fuckin' predictable. Clown car retards.
"Let's simulate word fuckery he experienced from over a decade ago seeing as he wrote that last bread. That'll get him for sure this time!"
Retards. Absolute fuckin' Retards.
Keep Boeing away from anything to do with it. Wonder if those two that they abandoned in orbit are fucking. Makes a person wonder if conception in space has occurred yet.
>buy her a drink at least
But of course. Only the finest Tang from a pouch that can be found in orbit made with recycled water.
Canada. The English and French are the giveaway, as well as the Toronto written on the side of the egg carton.
I don't see how. Just looks silly to me and only an inside joke that yourself would appreciate.
Been a while since I've eaten elk. Tasty critters.
Ate way more meese than I have elk or even deer. Gamey but lean. Makes for good jerky though.