No one cares anymore
Empty promises will do that, so will deep state no being held accountable and all Q posts just being a banquet of bullshit
If Q started posting again I'd reply to every single post with "no one cares"
Show me some fucking Rothschild publicly executed for their crimes against humanity
Show me a destroyed fed
Show me a gold standard
Show me a fair quality of life for every man woman and child
Show me poisons removed from our food and water
Fuck your disinformation
Nope not obligated, happy to come on here for free and say that no one cares. Since smoking pepe is destroyed and no longer posting that was my only previous source of entertainment. Now it's saying no one cares.
Trump did promise to deport all the jew haters, probably life terms in prison for any antisemitic comments on here too. Many Anons will be fucked soon enough.
Luckily no one cares
No, I really didn't. There was a time that winning felt inevitable, impossible to stop or avoid. To feel so strongly that Anons and America would win, only to fall flat on it's face. Almost like it was all a carefully crafted psyop to fully polarize and divide the country only for zionist agendas to win in the end.
Way too little too late. If you're content with that after all the Q promises and expectations then you really are simple minded and I apologize for what it takes to make you happy
No one cares about your rehashed religion and Jesus the copy clone of horus, literally a complete rip off copy. Do some research, all religion is fake and gay