Under communism, there is no stonk markets
And if government and businesses are basically the same thing
You own nothing and will like it…say goodbye to yer dollars
Under communism, there is no stonk markets
And if government and businesses are basically the same thing
You own nothing and will like it…say goodbye to yer dollars
Hopefully Elon gets arrested at Carters funeral
Who’s getting letters at Jimmy Carters funeral?
Gotta buy moar popcorn
We planted the stop code long time ago
Jimmy Carter story
In 76 Jimmy Carter toured the Western States
People in Colorado were stoked for some reason and Jimmy’s plans got leaked to the public and hundreds of people showed up at Lake Grandby to see Jimmy.
There were so many boats on the water you could walk across lake on top of the boats
When Jimmy saw all the people and boats and cars he lamented
“The Middle Class have too much money”
He then went on a rampage passing environmental laws by the hundreds
Nerds….one EMP will change a nerds life forever
Should we be checking the elite for horns on their heads?
You know what
Hire Americans or go back to Niggerville
I will slap the PEPe right out of your mouth
Elon believes Starlink will replace entire spook network
Psst…..Egyptians are ded