Dear Mr. President,
I am sure it is not lost on you sir, that the people who are making the pilgrimage down to Mar A Lago to meet with you are doing so for one singular reason. They are, in the evil, deceptive and manipulative way they operate, seeking your mercy. They all know what they have done. These are the same people from the private and public sector who have subjected you and your family to the most vile, inhumane and unlawful treatment one can vist on another. These are the same people who over the last 10 years have slandered you, smeared you, smeared your family, persecuted you, prosecuted you, attempted to prosecute members of your family, deprived all of you of your God given Constitutional rights and attempted twice, to assassinate and kill you. I am sure all of them are privately stunned and bewildered by your incredible preservation, determination and grit. After throwing their entire playbook at you the only move left is to publicly grovel at your feet to save their own asses.
They are not coming down to Mar A Lago with a sincere change of heart. They are incapable of this. Nor are they looking to genuinely work with you and your administration to Make America Great Again.
Mr. President, it is just not you sir, who have borne the wrath of these evil doers. They have maliciously and unlawfully subjected many, everyday Americans to the same deprivation of rights like the protesters at the Capital on January 6th, Peter Navaro being handcuffed and perped walk like a dangerous criminal out of Ronald Reagan Airport, Right to Life Pastors and religous groups and many, many others.
What we have witnessed and many have endured over the last ten years is the tyrannical use of government power to turn the rule of law upside down and destroy the civil society.
Sir, if we are going to Make America Great Again then it is incumbant upon you, your administration and all of America to return the rule of law back to that which undergirds and has safeguarded this nation since it's founding. The conspiracy to destroy this nation and all of the people involved cannot go unpunished for if it does, with predictable certainty, it will perpetually continue and sentence this nation to death. All of these people violated with malice, federal and state laws in their quest to stop you. They all, must be held accountable and punished for what they have put this country through and you yourself, Mr. President. They cannot just walk away Scott Free by coming down to Mar A Lago to once again, deceive and manipulate you into thinking they have had a change of heart. They haven't. These people are the "domestic terrorist" in the truest meaning of the term and they will lie, cheat, steal and kill, to get what they want. Just like the terrorist in the Middle East, they only know and respect one thing. A "Big Stick". Power execised Contitutionally, lawfully and morally is alien to them as we have witnessed. This nation has weathered a brutal storm brought on by the leftist progressives and mouthpieces in their media. Your willingness to meet with these screed is gracioius but graciouness is not going to save this country. A lesson is warranted here and we are counting on you and your administraiton to teach this much needed lesson so as to give anyone in the future that would even entertain the thought of doing what they have done, a well reasoned second thought, of ever doing this again.
God Bless you, your family and the United States of America.