only because you don't own any. decentralized digital currency can't be devalued by gov'ts. The market determines worth…not the FED.
johnson is gonna shut down congress when the senate refuses to confirm potus' picks.
that's the secret.
recess appt's baby.
you don't understand crypto.
it's ok. i once didn't get it either.
then i did.
already made good $ from it. will make more come 1/20
concern fag trying to black pill
>Crypto currency is based on your printed fake us dollar.
you couldn't be more wrong. crypto does better against a weak dollar.
> land, properties
and the gov't can't make a ruling that won't make your land worthless.
designated wetland sound familiar?
you pay property taxes…who really owns it?
i buy and sell a commodity. just like oil, corn,beef, etc.
>Currency cannot be mined out of thin air like I said on a computer.
and yet it is
without you're permission
crypto isn't a security.
it's considered a commodity.
the SEC just lost a court case against Ripple (the issuer of the 3rd largest crypto-XRP) over this.
> in wartime situation
kek. ok you got me.
good luck parceling your properties for some bacon…in wartime.
but the gov't has probably confiscated them …since it's wartime and shit.
it's simply an investment avenue anon.
no more risky than anything else that is market driven.
ghosts in his closet
if shills don't want their shit deleted, then stop shilling