You got it.
In all seriousness though, I did a quick one for whoever asked that earlier.
Did those black magic texts you "extensively" read mention anything about replying to yourself or Reddit spacing?
Can't speak for anyone else but I'm trusting the plan. The fact that the shills are dogpiling on Elon tells me all I need to know, especially when they've abandoned their previous two focal points of division to use for their narrative.
He doesn't stand alone. It's part of the plan.
And if I'm wrong then I'll be the first one to admit it, so whatever.
Thundah! AhhAAaaaAAAAAAaaAAAAAAaaaaaahh!
>Is that what Jade Helm was?
Jade Helm? I remember reading about that way before ever finding this place. Thought it was warfare practice in an urban setting or something?
That's odd. Why in his courtroom on his last day. Seems like he was trying to make a statement by doing that.
Or maybe he just watched Ghostbusters 2 one too many times and wanted to haunt his courtroom. Speculating the motivation for taking his own life is not something I'm interested in. The statement he was trying to make by wanting to be found in a public place, potentially traumatizing coworkers and leaving a psychological stain on that courtroom, is what interests me though. Another post mentioned something about beef with his governor so who knows?