you Q maggots fall for it every time
I bet your grandpa GI raped lots of lil white girls in WW2 Berlin,you disgusting nigger
hurr durr, well ummm, gravity is you know, ummm, this, ummmm, force ummm, you know, it's ummm gravity
because, you know, ummmm, the science says so
hurr durr durr
>you fucking retard
>tries to explain gravity by referring to an obscure book
of course!
gravity is caused by sub atomic zero gravity quarks emanating from red shifted black holes that generate dark field Schumann resonance Gimp reflections in the Einsteinberger dark energy Solar flux capacitors
top kek
is asked to explain the science of gravity and runs away like a coward
I bet you took the vax and 5 boosters
please use that fine instrument on the tards in here
Trust the Science!
there are many idiots in here, to be expected
I have asked them to explain gravity and they cannot
they just quote books or mumbo jumbo about waves and frequencies or talk about an apple falling from a tree
they are stupid, they are hylics, NPC drones they just repeat their rote brainwashed trash
>still believe
believe is not knowing
the hylic morons believe what they are told and have no intellectual capacity to deconstruct the lies told to them