wht If Greenland is Australia 2 where you send all the criminals and anyone you want out of here and don't have to pay for them in jail
Silicon Valley doesn't get enough government subsidies to hire American workers they bring in foreign workers who live in 5 people a room and pay them with tax payer money LOL
Vivek claims all the indians that come over are far superior to mediocre americans bwahaha
maybe Vivek and Elon should donate some millions to a place like Stanford to make some intelligent Engineers. it's located in Silicon Valley
they have a lot of potential to be as good as India and are working hard
what percent of his workers are these indians?
oh they are all over wall street goldman sachs morgan stanley jp morgan? just for IT though huh
if this guy gets 5% of shamwow sales he's in
our whole economy will be outsourced to AI and indian IT guys
either because he is a cardboard cut out or because he donates so much and wants to save the HB1 visas
what percent of Canada is white?