How about a white flag.
Exactly, why can't they just throw his body overboard on a fishing boat, like they did with Bin Laden?
Sick of criminals getting royalty treatment for being total bastards and thieves.
I don't believe it either they probably had him stuffed and put up in MOSSAD HQ as an ornament.
Looks a bit like a cross. God is looking to renovate.
Legal Immigration is Good Immigration.
H1B needs to stop being LOTTERY and switch to MERIT.
I'm not an extremist - stop ALL illegal immigration, return illegals to their origins, stop fake asylum seekers and bring people in who are great people and engineers.
Engineers are key to making a country great, and it's very hard to come by great ones.
For me the litmus test is and always has been ARRESTS… I have yet to see a single hard Govt criminal or billionaire Marxist/Satanic donor face any trial and justice… so I assume nothing is won at this stage.
Bill Gate and Gain of Fauci are still busy launching scamdemics.
I've worked in engineering teams - small teams of the very best engineers are the ones that do 90% of the lifting in complex projects…
Engineering is not a numbers game - more engineers does not equal more productivity. Talent is king.
His AI team is cutting edge and is a diverse group, but center to it all is MERIT, not H1B.
H1B need to eliminate the LOTTERY element of it.
Engineering is not like a trade - where if you get a grade 12 education, you can do well in it with some experience added on.
Good engineers are rare… Who would you replace Elon with to still have the same set of companies and results…
Canadians will accept the UNION if each CITIZEN is given $5 milllion each. Not Trudeau.
This is in the class of JACKASS TV…
The buyer pays…
The satanists have always had a plan to JOIN CANADA, US and MEXICO….
Trump talks a good fight.. we only have 20 days to wait, to see if anyone actually gets arrested.
Canada has ALL the resources you could ever want - TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS..
Unfortunately we have a Drama Teacher that Can't add 13 to 14 steering the nation into the ground for benefit of dumb women and WEF.