I'll bet the deep staters aren't sleeping well these days. Especially their retarded lapdogs they assign here to spam.
Happy New Year. Got a good feeling about 2025.
Quiet yer cryin', bitchface, before I slap you stupid and really make you cry.
Are you actually that fuckin' stupid or are you just fine with being that fuckin' stupid because you're paid to say dumb ass shit like that? You're like subhuman with thinking like that
KEK. The little retard sounds angry. Fuck your second place feelings, bitch.
This is a shill. It's a failure and thinks focusing on the DEI bullshit for controlling behavior with perception of behavior is a valid tactic against people that see through his shit. He's retarded.
He's so angry. It's okay, l'il guy. They must've really liked the original focal point of their divide and conquer narrative. Now it's been split into 3.
Well, 3 main ones here. There are other fronts with other targets. I usually only ever refer to here and mostly, I think, state otherwise when not.
Attempts to control behavior with a false perception of behavior and/or projection of their behavior, false or not, in an attempt to control the behavior of another. Interestingโฆ
>Put down the bong
I don't use a bong.
>lay off the pots.
I'll think about it.
>Get in shape
I am in shape, but I could be in shaper.
>eat clean
Already do.
>become your best.
That's a continual work in progress.
>You are an American. Act like it.
>Tidy up the ship. Happy New Year faggots.
Happy New Year
Yeah, Commodus' reaction pretty much sums up the mental image I have of the failfag shills that have spammed this board with their bullshit for over half a decade and do nothing but deceive and disrupt.