> throw his body overboard on a fishing boat, like they did with Bin Laden?
anon knows of sailors who were on that ship but aren't convinced that ever happened.
> throw his body overboard on a fishing boat, like they did with Bin Laden?
anon knows of sailors who were on that ship but aren't convinced that ever happened.
queue'n up some digits
yeah, cuz everyone needs to be a slave to The Man.
>indians are some of the best engineers though
(you) have no idea what you're talking about.
must be a post-millenial, as dumbed down as you are. unless you're keking
>Engineers are key to making a country great, and it's very hard to come by great ones.
anon knew this was manifest ignorance even when anon was studying engineering. but anon is from another era, and this one, it seems, can't help itself.
Log-Cabin republicans gonny be there?
(wonder why they call themselves that – no, anon doesn't really want to know)
elon is surely losing sleep right now about what the chans are saying about him.
keywords are valid, logic is debatable but it doesn't matter anyway.
you skip the parts about how the entire nation goes into captivity when key people rebel.
they're 110% of Wall Steet IT. That's all you need to know.
>The sweet siren song of globalism.
funny how it comes about whilst denouncing the globalists!
it's chess, alright. and we're the pieces.
your original assertion is manifestly false; you are either a liar or very naive. anon will give you the benefit of the doubt. You'll have it figured out by your 2nd or 3rd gig.
"will be," anon? it already is.