Any Anon who feels that Musk has committed unforgiveable political sins against MAGA, against Anons, even against The Most High,
Anons Assemble
It's time to play capture the flag once more.
Any Anon who feels that Musk has committed unforgiveable political sins against MAGA, against Anons, even against The Most High,
Anons Assemble
It's time to play capture the flag once more.
>I'll try my best to be less racist this year.
"Racist" is a leftist glam word.
They've combined two distinct concepts; racial PREJUDICE, and racial BIGOTRY into the same word.
Reject it. Those are two different things.
Distrust of outsiders and disapproval of their culture is a natural instinct. That is "prejudice" and it is a vital human survival instinct that everyone has (especially the ones who claim they don't.)
Racial BIGOTRY is the part where you already know the person you are interacting with is cool and not a representative of their race and you still treat them like shit.
Don't do the second one. The first one is completely justified, especially when it comes to people who don't even live here in the first place.
If you meet a guy dressed like a thug in inner city Chicago at 3 in the morning, prejudice the shit out of that motherfucker. It might just save your life.
If a black guy is in your shop dressed in a business suit trying to get an oil change or whatever any of us do for a living, treat him respect and call him sir. He's probably not trying to rob you.
At any rate, "racist" is a bullshit academic term that I don't even remember hearing when I was a kid.
>I said I'll try. My personal record is 3 days.