Chinese Navy Reveals a Naval Artificial Intelligence “Dreadnaught” Moment
There have been “Revolutions in Military Affairs” (RMAs) over the ages. RMAs are pivot points when something changes warfare dramatically. In the naval arena, one of the most memorable RMAs was the introduction of the HMS Dreadnaught in 1906.
It was said, “Dreadnought made every other existing battleship obsolete, and her name became generic for similar fast, modern vessels. All battleships laid down before her were pejoratively labeled “pre-dreadnought.”
The Chinese Navy (PLAN) has revealed a new vessel that may represent the modern, naval “Dreadnaught” moment. The “Killer Whale” (or Orca), autonomous surface combat vessel has recently been shown in China, cruising on the river from its Guangzhou Shipyard.
This vessel is the largest military purpose USV built to date. It is little coincidence that Guangzhou was the location of the shipyard.
Guangzhou is the Silicon Valley region of China, and the Orca is not just an autonomous warship, but a floating combat data center.
This vessel reflects significant data collection, data analysis, and AI-enabled autonomous actioning.
AI and Autonomy are trending topics, but the Orca is far ahead of any other AI-enabled, autonomous vessel publicly known to date. Continue…