Remote control clown retard?!?!
Remote control clown retard?!?!
New Year's Terror, brought to you by the stupid and horrible fuckin DeepState Trash, elimination time.
Clear with merciless aplomb.
The CIA was treason, murder, drug trafficking and child abuse.
White Texas Ford Truck drives thru 70 people, no blood on it, must have been going fast
Enough to ID owner of truck?
Description of Clown Op
Photos and addresses of clowns involved.
NSA oopsie.
Trash Day
Fuckin retarded and ridiculous DeepState Trash Day
Here Fibbie Fibbie Fibbie
So the Mayor of New Orleans says it's a Terror attack then stupid and worthless coward piece of shit Fibbie fuck says it isn't?
Today is the day DeepTrash.
Bad day for Fibbie Fucks, really fuckin bad.
An Agency run for decades by a faggot closet case shriner, FBI will be remembered as well prolly just as soon forget about those worthless and stupid motherfuckers
"oh we can't find Whitey must have fled the county, had plastic surgery or probably dead'
Fuckin Fibbie bullshit trash bags, useless and corrupt motherfuckers going down.
Ist letter behind pole?
It's all over X so……why bother?
FIBBIE Fucks getting publicly flogged for New Year's
Fuckin retard coward Motherfuckers
Can kind of see the flag, no license plates so it is okay
When do the FIBBIE Fucks get sick and tired of covering for the Stupid Fuckin CLOWNs?
Whoever goes public first, survives.
FibTards little slow this am.
Stupid and worthless piece of shit organization it was.