*'Think mirror', i.e. the incestous relationship of Cain and Eve i.e. between son and mother, where Cain and Eve have the same father 'mirrors' the one of the worst possible paths that could afflict Jesus Christ, where it is possible to consider that God is in a sense both the parent of Eve/Mary and Adam/Cain/Jesus Christ, but not really as Mary had her distinct father, and Jesus Christ has his distinct father being God himself, however Jesus Christ had no relationship with his mother other than that of being her child, so with Mary being a virgin until her marriage with Joseph, after the birth of Jesus Christ, the path of Jesus Christ is eternally seperated from the path of Cain and incest. And this is what those in 'aimless wanderland without the possibillity to take the narrow path of Jesus Christ' because of satanic acts of inbreeding/incest/child-rape have as an 'option' other than committing suicide, to try to create a child-of-Cain, i.e. a 'top-level-predator/murderer/Cain' i.e. 'king Herod', who mass-murdered children of Bethlehem to try to kill of Jesus Christ, where Elon boast being top level Diablo player i.e. the Devils champion suit wearer, and as how Elon supplies starlink for military operations killing hundred of thousands of people, and creates a global net to catch dissidents i.e. those 'Able' to praise God Jesus Christ for salvation rather than following an incestous relationship with Eve/'Mary' because of 'planned out evil' to create a ritualistic child-of-Cain, something starlink and a.i. will try to program those succeptible, to take the satanic child-of-Cain child-rape and murder route and become of satan rather than Jesus Christ.
*This is also why a grown man like elon shows up to Halloween-parties with his mom, as she is his satanic handler, to show others that they are of the mother-son incest ritual cain-worshipers.
*Elon musk murdered his firstborn son, as how Cain murdered Able, where Able could have been Cain's son with his mother Eve, and it is therefore possible that Elon had a child with his mother and that they ritually killed it, only God knows with these satanists, but child-killing and child-rape is considered by satanists Mariyt-Able, and the 'jar-baby' of the Bush family could be proof of a child-of-Cain ritual murder of a firt born of mother-son-incest considering how disfigured/malformed the face of the jar-baby is. Also, The british kingdoms 'Queen lizard/Elisabeth' and Prince Charles likely underwent the same child-of-Cain rituals and that one of their 'mother-son' children is Prince Andrew, which is then the current King Charles son and brother.
It is also possible that Cain raped Able and killed him because it was worse to rape his son/brother than to kill him, i.e. how God praised the killing of an innocent lamb as a sacrifice by Able, so Cain thought he would win favor with God for 'at least not being a child rapist' as Able being dead = 'bird can't sing that they were raped', whereas Elon musk proudly wears his 'I <3 anal' shirt after his first born child 'died mysteriously' as how he proudly wears his devil costume.