*Some suggest that Cain killed Abel to take their sister Aclima as a wife, isntead of her getting to choose Able who was a sucessfull and 'God loved' sheep farmer, and children-of-Cain 'world leaders' (i.e. Biden/Charles/Schwabb etc) constantly wail about a Clima-te change. Aclima is also named Kalmana, very similar to the name of Kamala Harris, being appointed to child-of-Cain ritualistic incestous child-rapist Joe Biden as his VP to him being XP. Joe Bidens name is also similar to the 'binding of Isaac', where a child is to be murdered/sacrificed, but pardoned, as how his son Hunter was bound in jail but pardoned, possibly to gain favor with whatever the satanists believe their 'God' to be to help them continue their satanic ways of child rape and creation of incestous children-of-Cain.
in wikipedia, it is suggested that the mark of Cain was the letter vav. Vav looks like a cain, and Vav is also similar to the sound of a dog/cain9 i.e. Vow. Recently an article was made speaking abuot Elon musks 'Vow' (mark of cain) to go to war (murder people) for H1-B visas.
*Elon appreciates H1-B Indians who worship hinduism and their millions of Gods because it makes it seem as if the non-rapist path of Jesus Christ is 'a mere meritable option, being 1/1.000.000 possible ways' while in reality the narrow path of Jesus Christ is the only path to see the creator father in heaven v.s. ending up in resentful and agonizing retardation in hell as a child rapist / inbred incestuous soulless troglodyte / grok, driven only by least resistance electrical signals, only being able to be as evil as possible as how electricity can kill you.
This is also why someone like Ian Miles Cheong, is Elon's most fervent supporter, with the callsign 'stillgray', with gray being 'saddened' as if he is an outcast/Xpath from heaven due to him being a child-of-Cain i.e. incest/inbreeding/child-rape himself, and he alludes to this by dressing up as a woman = 'Eve-worship' and sending tweets about wanting to rape children i.e. taking the opposite of path of Jesus Christ = being as evil as possible.
*Elon Musk dressed up as Anubis, the 'God of the dead', which is a jackal i.e. inbred dog, where dogs are notorious for being incestual (child of mother son / father daugheter/ sibling) as they have no God as humans have Jesus Christ who eternally did neither inbreed, rape children or commit incest as Jesus Christ avoided this and is currently eternally in heaven unable to commit these henious acts, so Elon, being a product of child-rape/incest and inbreeding identifies with Anubis rather than Jesus Christ.
*Trump has his MAGA movement, where MAGA could stand for Make-Able-Great-Again, i.e. the opposite of the Cain-9(K9)-nite movement D.O.G.E, the 'nite i.e. dark/death/Cain version 'Maga' = Make Anubis (God of the dead) Great Again, with Elon wearing the Anubis costume and promoting An UBI S-system (ANUBIS) system of who gets to live or die based on grok/inbred troglodite values/ soulless/electricly driven a.i., of who gets the d.o.g.e. coins / c.b.d.c. v.s. who gets the X i.e. gets crucified/killed for shekels.
*The Romans, who killed Jesus Christ at the behest of Judas, symbolized themselves with XP, i.e. the mark of Cain, i.e. predators, and because of incestous/child-raping/chid-killing 'leaders' such as Nero they had no qualms engaging in underaged sex, as how child rapists such as p.diddy and his and epstein's child raping clients were regarded as 'superstars', making them anti-Christs, as Jesus Christ as an adult never had and was therefore unable to have sex as a child, meaning that he was unable to 'live their lives and pardon/forgive their sins' and as an adult he also never had or wanted to have sex with a child because it would go against the Holy Ghost that protected him from being raped as a child himself. This is the explanation why Jesus Christ was unable to stop the romans from mocking and killing him at the behest of them being anti-Christs i.e. child-raping & child-killing as the jews who were products of incestous children-of-Cain rituals.