Hoooooooo! Talk about some pissed fans!
No doubt that's the 'realtor' on YT
Well of course..Joe Tater Biden opened the gates!
Bet you that sign behind his back has comms on it.
You're as confusing as the clock.
Woah! Hold Up! The truck in NO and the truck in LV are both battery!
I like the clock..I'm a fan..just a lil confusing to foll.ow
Why did he change the name to ISSIL?
Well no, I've already had a few short panick attacks yesterday but I'm better today.
No, oldfag but started this schitt a couple of years ago. Don't know why they call it panic attacks though. I don't ever feel panicked. I do have disautonomia.. doc thinks that may play into it.
Anons knew that was going to habben this morning when it was found. Hope it got archived off line
Prolly her boyfriend's group.
Indeed! Make Education Great Again!
Looks like a bomb explosion to me.
It's a schitthole but it's like that all over the city.
I couldn't read them either but the board behind his back may tell a lot.