>Bring back God
Like Sharia, they claim it in the name of God. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.
== Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts says officials 'from across the political spectrum' have shown 'open disregard for federal court rulings'
True, but the courts have shown open disregard for the constitution and law.
That court has been violating the constitution for a LONG time.
More than one kek.
The definition of woman depends on what you're talking about. Kind of like what the definition of is is. Multiple meanings exist.
The 144k who never defile themselves with a woman, it's not talking about what most think it's talking about.
I'm keking at the notion that it's one. It's the entire court.
Tell me, why is civil asset forfeiture happen? Have a large amount of cash, like say $10k to buy a vehicle because you don't like banks, get pulled over and be honest with the cop if he asks if you have a large amount of currency. They confiscate the money with no due process, no probable cause, and not even any reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. Then, you have to PROVE the money was not obtained unlawfully, and no a bank withdrawal receipt is not enough.
Now refresh yourself on the 4th amendment, and ask why this has been allowed by the court.
Read Revelation, the inner court is measured. To measure is to rule.
By the way she didn't answer the woman question because she was alluding to the other meaning.
>Smart Dust
Learn the comms. Q told you it's biblical.
"For dust you are, and to dust you shall return"