Fake news likely a set up for Islamicphoba lol
Anything now shows a natural bs to this group of people. In reality their is a lot more groups beside them that are terrorist it just shows how easy it for them to be programed by media and news. It shows how simple their mind is and that they think everything with terrorism is Islamic. The reality is we have more terrorism from the souther boarder and other groups of this area then any other. This is not to down grade the possibility of other terrorist organizations.
So this is just how it is in any way…
I do not believe that I have the right to defend myself anymore that anyone can come up and hit me and if you do anything they will make you famous… cutting up a video. Then if you say anything they will claim you are racist… or gender discrimination… or that they where just a 17 year old kid… that did it.
This is the new problem of America which is giving younger people with electrics like weapons. This again how many of these people are in extortion mobs or groups.
Seems areas media is strong such as California or any blue states it thrives… more then others tech areas. I bet if they did a map over lay of things they would find that this is going on around tech centers in the country more then any other areas. Next would be colleges believe it or not. Then anyone that is retired old state federal government or mil and relations. Do all of these I bet you get about 85% of the people doing this. The areas of hot zones will show this. This where in mid America you don’t have much of any of this going on.