Thank you.
With less than zero future resale value and cratering sales forthcoming, does shit head have enough money to junk all the stupid fuckin remote control big brother battery bombs?
Ford Maverick
DeepTrash Dragnet Production
Don't forget about Bozos fuckin Amazonian RetardVans couple of hundred million of those useless fuckturtles, what a mess of toxic shit boxes nobody's gonna want.
The nerds won a few rounds then got absolute shit knocked of em.
Don't care enough
how many ridiculous nerdfuck shit boxes are gonna be rotting and leaking poison into the soil and water in 5 years?
Will they be more on 10?
Or less because people stopped buying them?
Program AI to benefit humanity, it drops all the dirt, erases the personal data history and all the central banks accounts
Shuts itself off.
Nerds got the retarded psycho witches to starve themselves, fucked up all the tech and go down for being pizza gurblers
In this spectacular DeepNerd fuck up, Art Bell's ,"Area 51" caller checks in at 11:55.
A classic combined with the planes hollow nosecone comin out the other side of South
Tower, stupid and ridiculous DeepFucked
A car for the common, reliable, cheap and can do a full engine rebuild on the kitchen table DIY
Sold a few for a while.
True visionaries design for those with the actual cajones to make their lives better by being smart.
Punch Buggy Black
Catbird Crossing