Krassenstein likes Trump now
>Krassenstein likes Trump now
the communist boston globe which is wrong about literally everything likes Trump now
the idea that immigrants are "a fraction of the cost" is totally against the law
but of course no one catches that part
>remote control big brother battery bombs
Tesla Is Secretly Recalling Cybertruck Batteries
The Tesla service screenshot said “Cybertruck—High Voltage Battery Replacement (Cell Side Dent Induced Core Collapse).” Say what?? Matt reached out to the Tesla service team and asked “Hi. It looks like there was an additional work item regarding a battery replacement. Can you explain what that means?” They responded as follows: “Hey Matthew, this is a proactive replacement as our engineering team has noticed that some cells may have side dents, which can cause shorting in cells in packs developed around your car’s production date.”
>tech billionaire and Trump confidant’s deep ties to Beijing could compromise national security.
>a dialogue with A.I. will be necessary.
"it decided our fate in a microsecond" - Terminator
Kashyap Patel - name to remember.
>India get rid of their giant mountain of shit plaugueing their countryside and local airspaces
import the 3rd world become the 3rd world
>the communist boston globe which is wrong about literally everything likes Trump now