>“You don’t think we don’t have plans in the event of an arrest? Think again.”
>No…..just no……
It's not exactly cabbage and stale urine because it has a dark, earthy, early morning street evacuation urgency along with a note of soiled fingers in a tin can stirring putrid Ganges water with a strong hint of fetid curry spoiled by yesterday's heat and fruit ejected by the monkeys of Jaipur.
>When I was 17 I was painfully aware that I didn't know shit about anything that mattered and there was no one there to guide me.
There is not an Anon among us who did not discover CBTS, /qresearch, Q, 4chan, 8chan, or 8kun without personal consequences, Anon.
>I'm too old to know how
No, you are not. That's just an expression you throw out there to make the young people sympathetic, Anon.
>But some bridges are worth burning.
Agreed. Lesson learned with subsequent suffering, Anon.
> learning anything from q a rarity
I believe you are mistaken. Would you have known of SSN-687 without Q?
Dis u Ho Lee Fuk?
#1 Fan!
Best I can do is 'Q nee da', which is a lot like 'Ca Na Da', so it's easy for a pale round eye.
Would you know of Captain Mike Green's sacrifice at Waddesdon Manor without Q?
>Cutting rednecks social security is bad idea
Wrath of the Boomers.
Coming soon to a theater near you.
>Rap even sucked when the niggers did it.
That has been well and truly earned since 2017. Oldfags know. Many Anons will understand.
>Ego is their kryptonite.
Agreed. It was a recent example of a generation raised by soldiers returning from war. Boomers felt precious because of their fathers. It's a common human cycle of generations affected by war.
>Rap was invented by Blondie, Man from Mars…….
And he shoots you dead and he eats your head
And then you're in the man from Mars
>am i missing Sum TIng?
Sum Ting Wong all thread!
Do not eat this bread.
It is sour. Like 'Q'.
>Lou Reed.
Jackie is just speeding away
Thought she was James Dean for a day
Then I guess she had to crash
Valium would've helped that bash
Well, which is it, Sonny? Will the power to the entire world switch off, or will 'The Military' supply what we need?
>Music always comes first, words second.
It's like 'stampeding cattle may rattle the walls', Man. Wow.
>PS. Also older than dirt, as evidenced by, I only got up to pee…
Yet you did get up, Anon.
What does IXOYE mean?
Iesous (Iasoos) is Jesus. The first letter is ‘iota’, Ιησους.
Xristos (Christos) is Christ. The first letter is ‘chi’, Χριστóς.
Theou (Theou) is God. The first letter is ‘theta’, Θεοῦ.
Yios (Huios) is Son. The first letter is ‘upsilon’, Υἱός.
Sotare (Sotare) is Savior. The first letter is sigma’, Σωτήρ.
The word is also the Greek word for “fish,” icthus, ἰχθύς which when spelled in capital letters in Greek is ΙΧΘΥΣ, and thus is often written in English letters as IXOYE.
>Yet jews still claiming they did anything good
Hey! We built monuments all over the world to our white saviors, eh?
>how can something be so comfy when you lay down but so uncomfy after 5 hours…
Urine, vomit and feces come to mind.
The anguish.
We witnessed you fail.
Your fragile wings.
Braved the wind.
But folded.
We turn away from your pain.
Remembering Big Bang Basher Fred Hoyle
The great astrophysicist Fred Hoyle (1915–2001) named the big bang theory but never embraced it
The August 1993 Sky and Telescope magazine initiated a contest to rename the theory. After mulling over thousands of suggestions, the judges announced they could find none worthy of supplanting "big bang." Hoyle was not surprised. "Words are like harpoons," he commented. "Once they go in, they are very hard to pull out."
>Why were the long hairs so famous? do you know?
The Eight Genders in the Talmud
Thought nonbinary gender was a modern concept? Think again. The ancient Jewish understanding of gender was far more nuanced than many assume.
The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including:
Zachar, male.
Nekevah, female.
Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.
In fact, not only did the rabbis recognize six genders that were neither male nor female, they had a tradition that the first human being was both.
Come on, Charlie! This is the land of time travel and Unicorns! Unicorns make chemtrails and Q can see into the future!
>Western civilization rejects the Talmud as authoritative.
>It is of the Synagogue of Satan.
But we're still chosen, right?