Never give up.
OMGosh, Dan Scavino, you gave me chills with his X post from about 5 minutes ago.
I'm too old to know how to embed a video from X so here's a screenshot, the link, and an archive.
If someone can please teach us how to download videos off of X I'd appreciate it.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Awesome video, Anon. Thank you for sharing.
I remember watching that State of the Union and thinking how strange it was that all the Communist traitors wore white.
Now, with the ugly details about the Diddy White Parties slowly being leaked out to us, it makes much more sense.
They were just wearing their uniforms.
Imagine the pain they will soon feel, from not only those of us good Americans who are seizing this country (and our precious U.S. Constitution) out of their filthy hands, but also from the overlords who will surely punish them (if they're not immediately arrested) for failing.
If I were a treasonous domestic shitbag I'd much rather go to GITMO than end up on the overlords' list of failures, because I'm sure it will suck to pay the price for failure.
They failed so mightily.
They are so screwed.
Thanks so much, Anon. For the last couple of years I was using a program called Any Video Converter but it recently blocked me from using the app unless I agreed to register and pay.
The free ride ended; currently I'm not in a position to register, subscribe, etc.
I sure did get spoiled by AVC when it was free!
Thanks for the tip for saving X vids, and Happy New Year.