Quit yer bitchin', crybaby. You failed. Deal with it.
Quit yer bitchin', crybaby. You failed. Deal with it.
KEK. Are they really trying to tell anons not to believe their lying eyes because of a 2" discrepancy in a manhole cover? So desperate.
This is fascinating watching this shill banter with himself, trying to create a narrative of bullshit out of thin air, and the copying of turns of phrases lets me know exactly which shill it is.
Quiet, clown. Put yer helmet on before you hit your head on a 180 degree angle.
Yeah, that's the instant you know it's all bullshit when they can't tell the difference between a crane and a manlift that could have easily been pushed aside by a pickup truck.
Not that there aren't hefty counterweights in a manlift, but a speeding pickup could easily push it aside. Not to mention, those things don't move very fast so how exactly did it run over a person? You see, clowns, if you're going to try and use construction equipment in your lies its best not to do it around people that have spent time operating equipment of that nature.
Yeah, well, I only ever used them in a construction environment and at the pulp mill south of town I worked at after high school before college. I used it for actual work and not as a perch.
>they are used to put on visual productions
Hence why I said I used one for actual work and not as a perch. Pedantry and splitting trivial hairs does not interest me.
You've heard of flashmobs? Wait until you see a soymob.
British allegorical sci-fi from the late 60s? Could be interesting. I'll give that a go a bit later. Honestly never heard of that one before. And a single season of 17 episodes coincidence, nice.
Throw a bay leaf in there.
I don't have tits, fuckface, I'm a single guy that had to learn to cook for himself. Get your shit together anon. You're not going to "gotcha" someone here with a halfchan humiliation ritual.
>I would not call it "sci-fi",
I just gave the Wikipedia article a brief glance to see if would be something I'd be interested in. It characterized the show as allegorical sci-fi. That's the kind of cerebral stuff that's right up my alley.
Mention I prefer blondes with brown eyes here and now YouTube is putting some brown-eyed blonde thirst trap on the home page when I go there. Takes more than a pretty face and a nice set of tits to get me interested in any woman, she's gotta have something upstairs I can relate to.
And yet, there was no loss for both parties. Later, loser.
Not at all. Your approval, or lack thereof, of the quint I hit has no weight or influence. Just sounds like whining to me.
>Liberals are so touchy.
Is that their nature or a byproduct of waking up though? I know many liberals that are chill as fuck.
>You did that on purpose didn't you? filtered
No, I didn't. I never try to deliberately snipe any digits, they just happen and surprise me more than you more often than not I'd wager. Besides which, it's the math in the columns of two that give me a hard on. There's no loss for you to filter me, but your whining about someone else hitting digits is an indication in itself, so whatever. Let go of your anger, you don't need it anymore.
>Scurry on over to Bluesky.
Why the fuck would I want to go to a far-left, pedophile infested social media site?
You speak for everyone, huh? They told you that? Anonymous sources told you? Or are you just familiar with everyone's thinking here? I'm just going to chalk your post up as projection.
Have had a thing about girls with brown eyes since I was a wee lad.
KEK. There's the seething little bastard. "We'll imitate him to destroy him. We'll copy every meme he uses and the filenames he gives them. It's flawless. He'll be gone in a month or two." Two years laterโฆ
>Chek't and kek't (careful what (you) wish for)
You make it sound like it'd be a punishment. KEK!
>"it will become hard to even imagine or believe"
Once the weird shit starts happening to you then it's not so hard to imagine or believe anymore. It's just a part of life now.
That subtitle makes me think of the Clancy book I just read. Might have to add the one you just posted to the reading queue.
Well that's a tease. That book isn't scheduled for release until July.
Looks like they're back from their early morning pow wow. They had to consult on how to proceed it seems and after deliberation they just returned to their slander and lies like the fuckin' retarded clowns that they are.
Whoa whoa whoa, back the truck up here for a second. The author of that Fort Bragg book posted above that's going to be released in July is a "contributing editor" at Rolling Stone.
Has to be projection, but I'm not MM. I'm not a shill. My high post count is not the sign of a shill but of one anon that refuses to use VPNs and IP hop for consensus. Got anything else other than completely missing the mark? Seriously. You shot at a barn and missed. That's skill, buddy.
Written by a journalist and "contributing editor" to Rolling Stone. I'll give it a fair shake regardless of the red flags because of the Rolling Stone bit. That Taibbi guy that Elon got to go through the twitter files worked for them and was decent and impartial and IMO a real journalist how they're supposed to be.
Yes, you have, clown, but I'm a guy so continually asking to see my tits just makes you look like a complete buffoon.