Someone should get eyes on Obama.
We all know he's the one activating these sleeper cells.
Someone should get eyes on Obama.
We all know he's the one activating these sleeper cells.
NEW - White House just posted a video on the YouTube channel entitled "The time to move forward is now," which shows masked Americans.
Caps = 333
Biden text 30330 = 333
Tyler Perry's zipcode 30330 = 333
The Christmas bombing of the ATT building what's it's address?
"333 Commerce Street"
Zipcode to State farm Arena is 30303 without zeroes it's 333
"President of United States" = 333 (Reverse Ordinal)
It's all the same people, playbook never changes.
Truck attack happened at 3:15 AM
Bourbon Street co-ordinates ….
"29 57 32 4 N 90 3 55 08 W" = 315 (Ordinal)
Pain in 23